VESACFG version 1.09a SVGA Air Warrior VESA video driver configuration program For use with SVGA Air Warrior version 1.09 and later VESACFG is a configuration program for use with SVGA Air Warrior. Its purpose is to query a computer's video hardware and determine if it is VESA compatible. If it is, VESACFG obtains information about the hardware's capabilities and determines if SVGA Air Warrior's VESA driver will function. If the video hardware passes all of these tests, then VESACFG creates a configured driver and writes it to disk. Using VESACFG is quite easy. Place the contents of the archive in your Air Warrior directory, and run the program. If everything checks out, VESACFG creates a new video driver (AWVIDEO.DRV) in the current directory, and you should be all set. If it encounters a problem, VESACFG will print out one or more error messages, and abort. If this happens, make note of the error, and report it! Send it via GEnie mail to FURBALL.